how to solve the problem that picture upload as rotated for wrong position.
The user of my service will upload image in mobile. So i had tried to upload picture in my service in mobile condition.
however, the picture keep rotate in wrong position. It is very serious problem to my service. I did not know what is wrong with that. Because in crome developer condition for mobile, the problem does not exist.
As i use “filePond library” for uploading image. I had doubted that it is the library problem. So i red all of the filePond Docs. However there was no mention with rotation.
So i checked about the mobile image uploading in google. Thx to google, i found why the strange rotation happens.
It is because about the meta data. The picture have not only image data also the meta data about pictures. It decides image rotation. However, the present filepond setting does not get image meta data from image.
So i solved this problem by installing EXIF orientation of filepond. Then solved it.
There would be lots of bugs or problems to deploy production level service. I should know it before i tried to make this service. I think.