how to make payment working in your web service.

Oct 27, 2020


  1. The refund policy should be shown in your webservice. Below is one of korean refund policy. I hope someone in your team can do this.

2. I think you should make a product detail and refund policy page in korean. Not just like below popup. I think the pg company would permit when the detail of product is also shown in the page. Consumer cannot know what is product in this below popup.

2. After that, you guys should choose pg company and send the site and requirement document to pg company. I had already done the Iamport works. if you push the payment button, the payment would be start.

3. Actually the one of the important thing is that after payment. In iamport.js

result_success => {
//call back function when the payment success
var msg = “결제가 완료되었습니다.”;
msg += “고유ID : “ + result_success.imp_uid;
msg += “상점 거래ID : “ + result_success.merchant_uid;
msg += “결제 금액 : “ + result_success.paid_amount;
msg += “카드 승인번호 : “ + result_success.apply_num;
result_failure => {
//call back function when the payment failed
var msg = “결제에 실패하였습니다.”;
msg += “에러내용 : “ + result_failure.error_msg;

You guys can see these. You should report to your server that the payment is done successful.



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